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Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Healthy Breakfast Comfort Foods

Our apple cinnamon oatmeal is the perfect meal for cooler fall weather. Its warmth will fill your home with cozy scents, bringing nostalgia and comfort into your home. But, unlike most of the foods that we are used to eating as summer begins to wind down, our apple cinnamon oatmeal is a great breakfast or snack even for the most health conscious eater.

At only 130 calories, along with 12 grams of protein per serving, this dish is a light yet powerful way to start your day. With no trans or saturated fats, this tasty low carb oatmeal is the perfect way to treat yourself for breakfast while staying faithful to your commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Oatmeal has always been a popular cold weather dish. Here, we don’t feel that you should have to miss out on it in order to lose weight or to keep it off. Try our apple cinnamon oatmeal, and bring the joy of autumn to your home - and nutrition to your body during those chilly mornings!